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A.  How to become a smear taker?

B.  How to become a colposcopist?

C.  How to become a colposcopist trainer?



A.   How to become a smear taker?


a)    Smear Taker Training and Accreditation:


Smear Takers Accreditation Training Programme

A trainer-led competency based structured theoretical and practical programme

1.  No less than 10 hours of lectures on Pap smear related topics approved by the HKSCCP

2. Taking of 20 smears under direct supervision

3. Taking of 30 smears under indirect supervision

4. Completion of the logbook detailing clients seen consecutively during the training period.

5. Has assessment on clinical and communication skills of trainee.

6.  The maximum duration of training is 9 months.


Reaccreditation required every 3 years


Application for smear takers accreditation:

To be accredited as a smear taker, the applicant should

1.  Be holder of nursing or medical qualification recognized by the Hong Kong Nursing Board or the Hong Kong Medical Council respectively.

2.  A member of HKSCCP

3.  Pay HKD 300.00 assessment fee

4.  Submit a log book on clients seen during training and certified by a trainer

5.  Submit a certificate of completion of training on a training programme that fulfills the minimum


Downloadable forms:

Smear Takers Training Programme

Smear Takers Training Logbook

Front page






b)    Reaccreditation


Reaccreditation Criteria:

To be re-accredited as a smear taker, the applicant should:

1.  Previously be an accredited smear taker from HKSCCP (within 5 years from the first accreditation or re-accreditation)

2.  Be a current member of HKSCCP

3.  Be a holder of the current annual practicing certificate recognized by the Hong Kong Nursing Board or the Hong Kong Medical Council respectively. (Please provide documents of proof)

4.  Submit a logbook consisting of 50 consecutive cases done within 3 years. (The identities of the subjects should be kept confidential.) Smear Takers may be requested to submit more detail if required.

5.  Have the logbook signed by the medical practitioner supervising the cervical cancer screening service.

6.  Submit evidence of attending continuous training equivalent to 2 CNE/CME points on cervical screening, cytology or colposcopy within 3 years

7.  Pay the HKD 100 assessment fee (The assessment is not refundable even if the re-accreditation fails.)


The re-accreditation lasts for 3 years.


Downloadable forms:

Reaccreditation Guidelines


Front Page:

Log Sheet



 c)    Re-instatement of smear taker Status


Re-instatement criteria and Application Procedure

For those who do not get reaccredited, they can have their smear taker status reinstated after meeting all of the following criteria:

1.  Be a current member of HKSCCP.

2.  Be a holder of a nursing or medical qualification recognized by the Hong Kong Nursing Board or the Hong Kong Medical Council respectively.

3.  Obtain one CNE/CME points related to cervical screening, cytology or colposcopy and perform 20 smear taking within a 12-month period.  This 12-month period should commence after the date they have been notified of their failure to get reaccredited.

4.  Submit an application letter.

5.  Submit a logbook consisting of 20 consecutive cases done within 1 year (the identities of the subjects should be kept confidential).  Smear takers may be requested to submit more details if required.  The logbook should be signed by the medical practitioner supervising the cervical cancer screening service.

6.  Pay an application fee of HK$ 200.


A certificate of re-accreditation would be awarded after the reinstatement.




B.   How to become a colposcopist?


a)    Colposcopist Training and Accreditation


Specialist Colposcopist Training programme

The training programme is a trainer-led competency based structured theoretical and practical programme that involves all of the followings:

1.  Examine at least 50 cases under direct supervision, including at least 20 with new indications for colposcopy, at least 10 with high grade neoplasia, 5 non-cervical lesions including vulval lesions.

2.  Examine at least 100 cases under indirect supervision, including at least 30 with new indications for colposcopy, at least 20 with high grade neoplasia, and 10 non-cervical lesions including vulval lesions.

3.  Treat at least 20 cervical neoplasia under supervision.

4.  Completion of the log book composing of all patients seen during the training period in consecutive sequence.

5.  Completion of at least 2 Clinical Evaluation Exercises (CEX) while the trainee is under direct supervision. 

6. Completion of at least 5 Case-Based Discussions (CBD) during indirect supervision.

7.  Completion of at least one each Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS) to assess the trainee¡¦s capability to perform diagnostic colposcopy and LLETZ.  More OSATS may be required until the trainee can perform these independently.

8.  All trainees should be supervised by accredited colposcopy trainers.  Any colposcopy examinations not supervised by an accredited colposcopy trainer will not be counted in the logbook.

9.  Attend (i) at least one basic colposcopy course, (ii) at least one colposcopy CME-accredited clinical-pathological conference on cervical / lower genital tract pathology, and (iii) one laboratory visit or video virtual tour.  The video virtual tour can be included in the basic colposcopy workshop run by the HKSCCP.  The trainee should be aware of the practical problems of how specimens are processed and the day to day workings of the laboratory.

10. Attend at least one refresher course with a pass of the quiz during the 3-year training period.  Certificate of attendance and pass of the quiz is required.


The maximum duration of training is 36 months.  Application of accreditation should be made within 3 years of completion of training.  Accreditation can only be granted to specialists in O&G.



1.    Logbook: All colposcopic examinations have to be logged in the logbook and verified by a trainer and assessed by an assessor.  

2.    Submission of completed forms for at least 2 CEXs, 5 CBDs, 1 OSATS for diagnostic colposcopy and 1 OSATS for LLETZ.

3.    Evidence of attendance of (i) at least one basic colposcopy course, (ii) at least one clinical-pathological conference on cervical / lower genital tract pathology (CME accredited) and (iii) one laboratory visit or video virtual tour.

4. Evidence of attendance and pass of quiz of at least one refresher course.



Certificate of training will be issued jointly by the HKSCCP and the HKCOG upon satisfactory completion of the training and attaining the status of FHKAM(O&G).


A fee of HKD 2400 for assessment should accompany the application.



Downloadable forms:


Colposcopist Training Programme

Application Form

Colposcopist Training Logbook

CEX, CBD & OSATS forms




b)    Reaccreditation


Reaccreditation Cycle

1.  3 yearly

2.  For those who become a specialist colposcopists through training or reinstatement in the middle of a reaccreditation cycle, they should join the reaccreditation exercise right after the date of accreditation and reinstatement, respectively, and have to apply for reaccreditation according to the cycle schedule stipulated by the HKCOG.


Reaccreditation Criteria

The basic requirements include performing or directly supervising 50 colposcopy examinations and obtaining six CME points related to lower genital tract cancer screening and management.

1.    50 Colposcopy examinations

-    The indications of the colposcopy examinations should follow that of the College guideline on the management of an abnormal cytology.

-    The audit record of all 50 colposcopy or more examinations need to be submitted.

-    For those who have performed or directly supervised <50 colposcopy examinations within the 3 years, they would not be reaccredited. 

2.    Six CME points

-    The 6 CME points should include at least one refresher course or clinic-pathological conference.

-        Applicants could apply to the CME Committee for CME points for attending meetings related to lower genital tract cancer screening and management outside Hong Kong. This should be done before the said meeting. Retrospective recognition might be considered in special circumstances.

-        CME record or attendance certificate should be submitted at the time of reaccreditation.


Application Procedure

1.  Submit an application form and relevant documents 3 months before till 1 month after the last day of current reaccreditation cycle. For example, to get reaccreditation for the cycle of Jan 2024 - Dec 2026, applicants need to submit the relevant information in the cycle of 1 Jan 2021 - 31 Dec 2023, from 1 Oct 2023 till 31 Jan 2024.

2.  Pay a reaccreditation fee that is currently set at HKD 200.

3.  Provide evidence that they have met the reaccreditation criteria:

-   Accredited specialist colposcopists in private practice are required to submit their audit data on colposcopy activities using the audit form downloadable from the College website.

-      Instead of using the name and ID to identify individual cases, the initials of the patient¡¦s name together with the first 4 number of the ID should be entered into the Name and ID filed in the data entry form.

-    For those working in HA and their colposcopy audit data are captured by the Clinical Management System (CMS), they can submit the colposcopy service audit report generated by the CMS.

-      Applicants need not submit the colposcopy records, cytology and pathology reports at the time they submit the application form. But each applicant may be asked to submit records by the College to verify their submitted data.

4.  Those who cannot submit the required documents and fee before the deadline would not be considered.



Downloadable forms

Regulations for Reaccreditation

Application Form

Audit Form




c)    Re-instatement of specialist colposcopist Status 


Re-instatement criteria and Application Procedure

For those who do not get reaccredited, they could get their specialist colposcopist status reinstated after meeting the following criteria:

1.   Perform 50 colposcopy examinations within a continuous 24-month period.  This consecutive 24-month period can be completed any time within 3 months before application for reinstatement.  For example, a person fails to get reaccreditation in the cycle of Jan 2018 - Dec 2020 but he/she has performed 25 colposcopy examination in Jan - Dec 2020.  If he/she is able to perform 25 colposcopy examinations in Jan - Jun 2021, he/she can apply for reinstatement anytime from Jul - Sep 2021 for the reaccreditation cycle of Jan 2021 - Dec 2023.

2.   Obtain four CME points related to lower genital tract cancer screening and management, including at least one refresher course or clinic-pathological conference, within a continuous 24-month period. 

3.   Submit an application form.

4.  Submit the 50 colposcopy examination records and the related pathology reports, or record generated from the CMS from HA units

4.  Pay an application fee that is currently set at HKD 500

5. A certificate of accreditation would be awarded after the reinstatement but the duration of accreditation would be less than 3 years and ends with the ongoing reaccreditation cycle to synchronize the reaccreditation cycle with others.


Downloadable forms:

Guidelines for Re-instatement of Specialist Colposcopist Status

Application Form




C.    How to become a colposcopist trainer? 



Accreditation criteria

1.   specialist colposcopists they could become a trainer through the following steps (see CO-5):

-   Perform at least 50 colposcopy examinations and at least 10 treatments under local anaesthesia in the last 12 months continuously.  

-  have their experience endorsed by the lead clinician of the accredited colposcopy centre.  Colposcopy examinations performed during the training for specialist colposcopist could also be included in the counting.

-  besides adequate clinical experience, a nomination by the lead clinician of the accredited colposcopy centre is needed since training can only be conducted in accredited colposcopy centre.

2.  The Colposcopy Accreditation Subcommittee would process the nomination and make recommendation to the Council.

3.  Trainer status would be lost if the specialist colposcopist fails to get reaccredited or the lead clinician reports to the College that the specialist no longer participates in training in the colposcopy centre.

4.  Trainer status could also be reactivated when the specialist colposcopist get reinstated and is nominated by a lead clinician of the accredited colposcopy centre.


Downloadable forms:

Guidelines for Accreditation of Trainer Status

Application Form



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